Jack Russell Terriers & Alison’s Crosses

The Jack Russell Terrier
Originating from dogs bred and used by Reverend John Russell in the early 19th century, the Jack Russell Terrier has similar origins to the modern Fox terrier. It has gone through several changes over the years corresponding to different use and breed standards set by different clubs.
The Jack Russell Terrier was introduced into the Lindcoly family by Karen (eldest daughter) and quickly stole both Karen and Alison’s hearts.
We have kept our Jack Russell’s since 1999, having our first litter in 2000. We have both smooth coats and rough (broken) coated types in our lines.
We have had some that were very successful ‘ratters’ and some so soft that they are afraid of their own shadow!
My main aim with breeding my Jack Russell’s is to breed a true to type dog with a kind nature. I have found all my dogs are loyal to the end even though some of them are the biggest wimps you’ll ever meet! – Karen.
The Pedigree Jack Russell Terrier
I also have the pleasure of owning and showing my pedigree Jack Russell’s. The UK Kennel Club has now finally recognised the breed and as of April 2016 the Jack Russell Terrier will be KC registered and able to compete at UK shows, Yay! Karen
Professional breeders of Jack Russell Terriers and Terrier crosses in the Bury St Edmunds area.
Call us on: 01638 721 880
I love Jack Russell’s very much however unlike my sister Karen I have ended up going more down a cross breed route – I started with Jacks but for some reason one of my lines of JR matured quite small so I ended up with no option but to breed too toy breeds. I do love it as you really have no idea quite what they’ll mature like, only problem is I do tend to keep them all. I also love getting updates from my fellow crossbreed lovers who have had one of my babies to see how they have developed.
In the past I have used as stud to my girls Bolognese, Chihuahua Smooth coat, Chihuahua Long Coat and also a Pomeranian – all the Studs I use to create my unusual crosses are fit and healthy and have had all required health tests done for each breed. I will also say that with my crosses – I do not give them silly names, at the end of the day they are a cross breed, but they do make great companions and are great little characters. – Alison